I'm going to have to bake more cookies on Thursday for book club on Friday. This month's meeting is at my house, and of course cookies will be expected. Not sure if I'll try something new or bake a tried-and-true. I told the girls I'd bake erotic cookies since our selection this month is just this side of porn. Hmm. Maybe the horns...
I can tell already that this week is going to be a ball-buster (pardon the pun). Work today was not good. I don't understand why we can't just all follow the AP styleguide and be happy about it. So now we make copy decisions based own how capital letters look on a page and not on solid copywriting principles? For crying out loud. I've been a writer and editor for 18 years, and that's a first for me.
But that's all I'll say about that. I've read those articles warning people against being too candid about their jobs in their blogs. So, in case the Big Blue Brother is reading this, "Yay Regence! Love ya man!"
On a more cheerful topic, how about that Seattle weather? Gotta love false spring. I wonder how many idiots went out and planted stuff this weekend. Got news for all you optimists and recent transplants: FROST 'TIL APRIL!

We also got some good news on the bankruptcy front: We will NOT owe the IRS $250,000. I consider that fabulous news, considering I ran out of options for getting my hands on $250,000. Stocks? Nope. Not there. House? Oh, please. Life insurance? Hmmmm.
Anyway, not only do we not owe income tax on money we may lose and never see again, we don't owe capital gains on it, either. Yay America!
Speaking of America, I'm addicted to Facebook. Is the whole country there, or what? I love the whole Facebook etiquette thing. Is someone "Facebook-worthy?" What do you do about "friends" who e-ignore you? (You know who you are.) Will someone know if you "defriend" them? And how about that List of 25 Random Things? Love those.
I keep hearing predictions about the end of Facebook because it's not making anyone any money. More news for you: THE WHOLE FREAKING COUNTRY IS NOT MAKING ANY MONEY! We can at least be in touch while we go down the tubes together.

And James didn't re-tear his tendons. So that's good news. And he's going to Palm Springs for two weeks in April. Good news for him. (I have to admit, I'm looking forward to controlling the T.V. for awhile. I should have about four months of Desperate Housewives saved up by then.)
And I have a fabulous new office to work in at home. Granted, the wireless keyboard SUCKS.(Feel that, wireless keyboard? You suck.) But the desk is real pretty.
Finally, I don't really hate my job. In all truth, Regence has been very good to me over the years. I mean that in all sincerity. I love being a writer/editor. And I'm thankful for Regence and my job every day. But capitalizing "sales account executive"? Come on. Even the pope doesn't deserve a capital "P" for Christ's sake! What makes insurance salespeople think they're better than the pope? Oh, wait. That's a dumb question.
Yay Regence! Love ya man!