We're finally pulling out from under a couple of weeks' worth of cloud cover. I'm pretty certain that up there above the clouds, the season was changing while we weren't looking. The sun is out again today, but there's a chill in the air that whispers "fall."
I baked Carrot Cake Sandwiches (pg. 202) last night. I hope they were worth it, as in the course of baking them I dropped an egg and then a cookie on the floor. James liked them--especially after I added the cream cheese/butter/powdered sugar filling. Christian, not so much. Ian would eat sandpaper and say "yum." I sent a couple over to the Simmons and will see what they think. I'll probably take some to the office tomorrow. I didn't put any nuts in just so Linda can have one. (Her last nut experience turned into a trip to the ER. I don't want that on my hands.)
Ah, the house is nice and quiet for a change this morning. Boys are playing. James is shopping--out buying new goodies for the newest member of our family.

We call it the "motyhome." I sometimes refer to it as the Mt. Tioga. And some of my friends like the term "James' 31-foot ding-ding." All fit.
It was a long time coming. James has wanted one for years. I've resisted for years. The boat was supposed to have prevented this purchase, as in "I'm buying either a boat or a motorhome. You choose." This was James' ultimatum last spring. Since boats are cheaper, I chose the boat. Way to go boat. You did me absolutely no good.
Our first trip is Thursday. Then we're off to the Gorge for Labor Day, where Dave Matthews will serenade us into autumn. After that the motyhome goes to sleep for the winter. My advice: Buy a motorhome in the spring so you have more chances to use it before a long winter of storage fees and motorhome payments.
In addition to two camping trips, our schedule is full, full, full. Has been for several weeks. But I've squeezed in some baking and jamming anyway. I baked an almond-honey cake last Saturday morning, before Mary and I had a jamming session. Afterward we went to see Julie & Julia. Note: I thought of this cookie blog before I ever heard of Julie Powell and her Mastering the Art of French Cooking blog. (Side note: When I got my copy of that book in 2008, I considered cooking my way through it, too. Again, long before I ever heard of Julie. But I would have stopped at the lobster.)
I have a couple of cakes and brownie batches in my near future, too. Christian has asked for a Chocolate Death cake for his birthday, which is the day we leave for camping next week. Chocolate Death is actually a chocolate blackout cake, but in the course of making my first one, I called it Chocolate Coma. Then when I realized I had to add a layer of cake crumbs to the outside after frosting it, I renamed it. He also wants the Barefoot Contessa's Outrageous Brownies. So, I'll be baking before camping and then transporting to Lake Cushman. Heck of a lot easier doing that in the Mt. Tioga I'm thinking.
Other things to look forward to:
1. A family get-together at my Great Aunt Barbara's house, which is just 20 minutes from my house. I normally drive at least 45 minutes for family things. I think I'll drive up to Barbara's and back three or four times, just so I can enjoy the short drive more than once.
2. Farmville! I'm hooked. I have crops maturing as I type.
3. Dave, Dave, Dave.
4. School!!!
5. Bookclub and an after-hours work party in the same week!
Now, I think it's time for a shower. Then out to work in the yard. My plants are telling me that fall is near. I need to fill the birdfeeder for the chipmunks. And I have quarters to roll. And a house to clean. And groceries to buy. And where did that Costco list go? Cripes. When I'm bitching about the cold in December, remind me of how much work summer is, okay?