We got a late start to the day due to a late night on New Year's Eve. James and I joined my friends Jamey and Mary at a local casino for slots, dinner and a Joan Jett concert. James hadn't met J and M yet, and he admitted earlier in the day that he was a little worried that he might say or do something inappropriate or offensive. (James doesn't have much confidence in his social couth.)
I knew better. And Jamey didn't let me down: Within five minutes after meeting James, Jamey used the term "dry hump." James was immediately at ease and had a great time! What better way to start the new year: fun company, good food, some laughs and '80s rock and roll? Oh, and a little vodka never hurt. I hope 2009 lives up to its promising start.
Anyway, the Snickerdoodles, pg. 82, were late in coming, but they are really good! My first recipe is a hit. The first 10 were gone before I could get a taste. Martha insists on rotating the pan half-way through baking. I'm doing it, but wondering if it really makes a difference. I've also learned not to be shy with the size of the cookies. I started them off too small. Got to remember, Think Big!
Which led me to thinking: Not good to keep all these cookies around the house. So, I will be making a point of sharing throughout the year. To start off with, the boys and I took some to my sister Sam today.

We also took a bag of cookies to my mom at the nursery where she works. She very thoughtfully took the boys off to explore the plants and koi pond so Sam and I could peacefully cruise the Christmas ornanment sale (50% off!). Came home with some primroses and fabulous ornaments. I have great plans for my tree next year. Stay tuned.
In honor of the new year, I've also resurrected my one-year-old project of the family recipe book. More on that later. But it's good to get back to work on it.
The shiny brand-new year brings so many good intentions. Like, pick up those French books again! (Hah. My French word-of-the-day is about all I can really manage.) Or re-read all Sharon Kay Penman's novels. (That I might actually attempt.) But I haven't even started this month's Book Club book, The Ghost in Love. I'm a couple chapters into The Thames: A Biography. And my herb books keep calling me. Planting season is only a few months away.
With the snow mostly gone (thank God), I can see a few bulbs already coming up. I'm worried about my jasmine--it looks a little brown. And I'm hoping my Tom Thumb fuschia made it through the cold. And my roses...and my new black tupelo tree...and my lilacs...and my mock orange...and my pink panda strawberries...
I hate winter.
Better to focus on the good things that January will bring. School reopens on Tuesday. Can't. Wait. Looking forward to coffee with my friend Renee on Sunday morning. Excited about spending my Williams-Sonoma gift certificate next week (thanks Mom!).
Finally, we all need to get into a routine. Back on schedule. Back to real meals, activities, and regular bedtimes. This 2 a.m. stuff is hard on an out-of-shape 40-year-old, no matter how much I still love rock and roll.
KiKi...I enjoyed reading your blog almost as much as I enjoyed the snickerdoodles! The cookies were delicious, I ate all but one...which I gave to Brandy's husband, Jim. He is Snickerdoodle lover, and your cookie rated way up there by his standards!. Keep up the good work...and be sure to share the cookies!
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