But I suspect she would say that about any cookies that magically appeared on her desk.
Chocolate Crackles (pg. 68) are pretty good. But messy to make. I accidentally got some chocolate on a library book because my hands were covered with goo.
I'm preparing to head to Book Club and am enjoying this quiet house. James swooped in, grabbed the boys for soccer practice, and headed out. And may I say that he is a major pain in the butt? Crabby and short-tempered, thanks to Day 4 of no cigarettes.
I keep reminding myself that it's the withdrawals and that I just need to ignore him. But it can be hard. It's not my fault he started smoking again or that he needs to quit. But apparently it is my fault that I exist in the same universe he occupies. For this I must be punished.
Before, dear reader, you think that I'm some privileged, pampered wifey who jets off to Palm Springs on a whim, let me set you straight about a few things:
1. The vacation house ain't mine. It belongs to the mother-in-law. But I do control the calendar.
2. I clean my own house--including bathrooms.
3. I get my hair cut once or twice a year. And it never turns out the way I envisioned.
4. While I do enjoy an infrequent pedicure, my version of a manicure is clipping my nails over the sink every few months.
5. My nicest clothes are hand-me-downs from my sister.
6. On any given day, my socks either have holes in them, don't match the rest of my outfit or don't match each other.
7. I don't wear make-up. (Okay, rarely. And never well.)
8. Many of my neighbors refuse to acknowledge me. (See #2-7 above.)
That's just a taste of the not-so-attractive stuff. What's the flip side?
1. I have access to a vacation house. DUH, mean neighbors! You're missing out.
2. I'm a damn fine housekeeper.
3. The money I save on haircuts and color I spend on fancy kitchen equipment.
4. I'm not afraid to dig in the dirt.
5. The money I save on clothes I spend on books.
6. I don't feel pressured to waste time looking for matching, hole-free socks.
7. My morning routine is smokin' fast.
8. I don't need to dress up for the school bus stop because no one will notice anyway. And if they do, it won't change their opinion of me.
What a thrify, practical and down-to-earth wife I am! James should count himself lucky. The crabby bastard.
My girlfriend, Kristy rocks! Not only does she make the Best. Freaking. Cookies. Ever. (Yes, I agree about the chocolate crackles, OMG!)-- she invites me to get out of this damp, cold darkness and dispair and into the LIGHT of Palm Springs on a regular basis. But long before the cookies and the PS house, and all she had was bad hair and holy socks, we were friends.
ReplyDeleteDang, that pic is lovely...Queen Denise appears to be holding court. And there I am! Princess!!! ;-)