I've been promising her some. Now I just need to get it to her. It's so easy to send cookies across the street to Renee (I sent her some, too). Denise is 15 minutes away. Stay tuned: I will manage that. Maybe I just need to throw the kids in the car and head over there.
I was hoping to make Classic Shortbread, page 109, this month. Robert Burns' birthday is Jan. 25; also, we're approaching the observation of Imbolc and the season of Brigit--the ancient goddess of early spring, new beginnings, and the hearth and home. Shortbread was traditionally made this time of year in the British Isles, particularly the kind I made: round with crimped edges to represent the rays of the sun, which is reborn at midwinter.
Speaking of crimped edges, James caught me red-handed with my shiny new tart pan. Bah! The man is such a tightwad. Come to think of it, he was born in Scotland.
I worked at home today due to school closures. Happy MLK Day! Noah came over to play with Christian. It's nice to see him again; the boys seem to be getting along fine. My fears that they'd never be friends again were unfounded. I knew I should have known better.

What with all the dripping Ziploc bags of ice, it's probably good that school was closed today. But, that did mean I had to work at home. I appreciate the freedom to do that when needed. It makes my life as a working mom much easier. But there are days. Such as today.
After working and chasing kids out of the office all day, I was a little frazzled. Then, I had a 2 p.m. conference call. But I had to leave at 2:15 to take Christian to soccer practice. Hmm. Did I mention that my boss' boss was running the call? That was a first for me. And meant I had to be on my best conference-call behavior. None of that hiding in the bathtub with the phone in one ear and a finger in the other while a child pounds on the locked bathroom door.
So I participated on my cell phone while driving, even though I really should have been taking notes. I had two loud, needy and stubborn boys in the backseat (the term "I'm on the phone" to them means "talk louder"). Thank God for the mute button.
Somehow, I managed to follow a conversation occurring in Portland while arguing with the soccer field parking attendant. (No, I'm not paying $5 for parking in order to escort my 10-year-old into the soccer facility, and no, I'm not dropping him off at the curb. You can kiss my ass.)
As excited as I am to see Barack sworn in tomorrow, I know the truth: That man is able to become president only because his wife handles all the details.
After a day at home I'm pretty pumped about going to the office tomorrow. But I feel for Barack. While he's at work for the next four years? His family will be right upstairs.
Well, hell's bells. It's 7 p.m. And I still need to vacuum out my car, clean Ian's room, finish the dishes and kick the kids off the TV. Not physically off--you know what I mean. I don't think I'll make it to Denise's tonight. Tomorrow! Shortbread only gets better with age, right?
seriously? Hubby is whining about a new tart pan?? I say, just quietly keep a list of his purchases... ;-) handy ammo for future